Providing legal services of non-litigation investigation and mediation based on the authorization of the clients; 接受非诉讼当事人的委托,提供非诉讼调查和调解的法律服务;
However, we can find many of his legal thoughts through investigation and analysis of his action, such as letting nature take its own course, attaching importance to the people and country first. 汲黯作为西汉重臣,尽管未留著作于后世,但从他的“行”进行史料考察和分析,可以发现他的“无为而治”、“重民”、“社稷为重”等法律思想,具有重要的价值。
On the Legal Legitimacy of Undercover Investigation and Its Regulation 试论卧底侦查的法律正当性及其规制
On the Behavioral Characteristics and the Legal Orientation of Tempting Investigation 论诱惑侦查的行为特征及其法律定位
A: There is a certain irony when the government invades my privacy during a legal investigation that got started when I tried to protect the privacy of others. 答:具有讽刺意味的是,当政府通过合法调查侵犯了我的隐私的时候,恰恰给了我动力,使我想办法去保护其他人的隐私。
Finally, information about a case under legal investigation is sometimes only made public after the investigation has been concluded. 最后,案例的法律调查结果有时是在法律程序结束时才会公布于众。
The Strategy and Legal Character of Temptation Investigation in Bribery Crime 贿赂犯罪中适用诱惑侦查的谋略性与法律性
Legal Consideration on Subsidy Investigation of Foreign Countries Applied Against Chinese Exports 国外对华产品适用反补贴调查的法律思考
In the second stage, he formulated the related laws and regulations to meet the needs of his move, so as to take them as the legal basis of investigation and arrest. 第二阶段为根据执行面的需要,制定完备的法规,以做为查缉的法源;
Its materialist and dialectic methodology on great talent investigation and legal system investigation in strategy making has a very close relation with modern competitive sports and has certain academic research value to modern competitive sport development. 其中关于制定战略决策的英才考察和法制考察的辨证唯物思想,与现代竞技体育有十分密切的关系,对现代竞技体育发展具有一定的学术研究价值。
Legal Investigation on the Independence of China's Central Bank 我国中央银行独立性的法律研究
Investigation and inquiry is an important legal method of investigation in obtaining evidence. 侦查讯问是法定的重要的侦查措施和取证手段。
The current criminal procedure law of our country does not have clear regulation in legal terms of supplement investigation. 我国现行刑事诉讼法对补充侦查法定条件没有作出明确规定,补充侦查的适用缺乏规范性、可操作性。
STATISTICAL DATA On the Legal Investigation and Application of Audible and Video Materials 视听资料的合法性审查与运用
A Brief Discussion on Amelioration of the Legal Norm of Investigation 谈侦查法律规范的完善
Research on ″ The Art of war ″ Strategic Policy in Person of Outstanding Ability Investigation, Legal Investigation and Modern Competitive Sports Mix Together 《孙子兵法》战略决策中的英才考察、法制考察与现代竞技体育融合之研究
The Role of Medical Examiner/ Coroner ( Legal Medicine specialist) Quality Improvement of Patient Care-New field of medico legal investigation 法医鉴定人/验尸官(法医学专家)的作用与患者医疗质量改善&法医学检验鉴定的新领域
Legal due diligence investigation and non-performing financial assets valuation due process of law. 法律尽职调查与金融不良资产评估此即合宪性、合法性标准。
For the first time in its history, a clear demarcation was drawn between factual and legal investigation in the structure of judicial review procedure. 在中国司法审查程序上,第一次明确规定划分事实审查与法律审查的司法审查结构,涉及审查范围上的合理化立场,提出对审查标准规则的期待;
Due to the lack of legal theoretical investigation, lots of problems appeared in the practice of privatization. 由于理论的缺乏,民营化实践中的问题开始逐渐浮出水面。
Through the legal difficultiess 、 Investigation and other aspects of the plight of, China outlines show the work in the cyber crime investigation and the difficulties faced by the practice has been the fruitful. Fifth, Measures of cyber crime investigation. 通过对法律困境、侦查困境等方面的研究分析,勾勒展现出了我国在网络犯罪侦查工作中面临的困境和已进行的富有成效的实践。五、我国网络犯罪侦查对策。
In this stage the strengthening of intervention of the defend function to provide some valid legal help for the suspect can improve the supervision of the legal performance of investigation to reach a good balance situation in the construction of Criminal Procedure. 在侦查阶段律师加强辩护职能介入,为犯罪嫌疑人提供有效法律帮助,能进一步监督侦查权合法行使,从而达到刑事诉讼构造平衡的良好状态。
The second chapter, commercialization of right to personality of legal protection mode of investigation. 第二章,人格权商品化法律保护模式考察。
The last part is the legal regulation of Investigation Chief Temptation. Ensure that "the opportunity to provide" within the framework of the rule of law can be healthy through presenting some suggestions about the application of the conditions, procedures and judicial review. 最后一部分是对行政诱惑调查的法律规制,从适用的条件、程序及司法审查救济方面提出法律规制的建议,确保机会提供型诱惑调查能在法治的框架内健康运行。
And then discusses the feasibility of legal regulation of technical investigation in our country. 在此基础上,对我国技术侦查的可行性进行分析。
This chapter introduces the background of ecological immigration laws, ecological migration policy on environmental protection and ecological resettlement environmental protection. Third, the ecological migration policy on environmental protection and related legal investigation. 本章节介绍了西海固生态移民的背景,生态移民环境保护政策及生态移民环境保护的相关法律。第三,西海固生态移民环境保护政策及相关法律调查。
Based on this, it is necessary for us to discuss the legal supervision in investigation. 基于此,我们有必要对侦查中的法律监督问题进行一些探讨。
On ideal level, current conditions hamper establishment and popularization of consciousness of legal investigation. 在观念层面上,我国秘侦取证现状妨碍侦查法治意识的确立和普及。
Fourth, lack of effective feedback system and legal responsibility investigation system. 缺乏有效的反馈机制和法律责任规定。
Effected by traditional judicial views and incomplete relevant legal systems, investigation structure of China conflicts with the requirement of modern legalized society. 受传统司法观念的影响以及相关法律制度的不完善,我国的侦查构造与现代法治社会的要求大不相符。